The Central CRU Organization
The Central CRU Organization, its successors, and assigns (“CRO”) operate as the global bank of the CRU ecosystem. Our mission is to simplify the age-old traditional receivables practice and empower people everywhere to participate and benefit from CRU. Our objective is to provide and manage a well-supported open, trustworthy, reliable, and globally accessible CRU ecosystem for all to gain access to safe, compliant, reliable, and non-centralized CRU as money that can serve everyone. Our objective is for CRU to augment Ura and Fiat in an ecosystem system that integrates smoothly with existing macroprudential policies and accepted regulatory frameworks. CRO’s role is to collect, verify, and purchase receivables as well as oversee the management, distribution, and utilization of CRU as money worldwide via existing Fiat monetary systems. CRO brings CRU to the world to address the uncertainties inherent in traditional receivables assignment. Apart from easy asset trading, asset protection, SSL security, offline asset storage, which are available now on other platforms, CRU digital wallet, featured dashboard, and personalized reports are a few notable features that CRO is working on making available.